Governor Kahiga, MP Oscar Sudi Respond to Malala’s Disciplinary Warning

By Tajeu Shadrack Nkapapa

Kapseret MP Hon. Oscar Sudi and Nyeri Governor HE Mutahi Kahiga have responded strongly to UDA Secretary General Cleophas Malala’s earlier warning to respect the party leadership and the presidency.

Kahiga emphasized on social media that Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, who also serves as the UDA deputy party leader, deserves respect.

He stated that the Mt. Kenya region would not stand by and allow the country’s second-in-command to be humiliated within the government he participated in its formation.

The Nyeri Governor went ahead to ridicule Hon. Malala and said that he is insignificant in the United Democratic Alliance and that he should be kicked out of such a senior party position.

“SG Malala in UDA is like a square peg in a round hole. He doesn’t fit. I have said it before and I repeat, we must get rid of him in the coming UDA elections,” Hon. Kahiga Mutahi said.

MP Oscar Sudi further mocked the SG, labelling him as an “Elevated MCA suffering from illusory superiority, thinking he matches Raphael Tuju’s calibre.”

Malala had earlier, issued a letter warning several UDA members, including Governor Kahiga, Hon. Oscar Sudi, Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba, and Cabinet Secretaries Kipchumba Murkomen and Moses Kuria.

In the letter, Malala warned the honourable members of the party for disrespecting the party leadership and also the Presidency, adding that they have engaged in political activities against the laws of the land.

“Your recent conduct not only undermines the party’s unity but also disrespects the leadership that you pledged to serve. Let this be a stern warning: desist from such actions with immediate effect. Should this behaviour persist, the party will take disciplinary action against you,” Malala warned.

“Your focus should be on addressing the pressing issues within your Ministries, particularly the repair of roads damaged by the recent floods. Serve the people or step down from your position and return to politics,” the SG added.