ODM Stresses Its Stance On The Country’s Ongoing Crisis

By Grace Gilo

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party has issued a statement stating its position on the ongoing demonstrations happening in the country.

According to ODM’s Secretary General, Edwin Sifuna, the party’s commitment to this cause is steadfast, recognizing the urgent need for transformative change in the nation.

“The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party has noted with concern continued attempts to misrepresent its position on the ongoing crisis in the country and specifically on the proposed national dialogue to resolve the same,” read the statement in part.

The secretary-general further stated that the party has maintained its unwavering position in support of the ongoing struggle to address the longstanding governance issues as very ably pointed out by Gen Z.

“As a major political player, ODM has repeatedly emphasized that we cannot be mere bystanders when the current situation and future of our nation are at stake,” Senator Sifuna added.

“We have been categorical that the way forward is through an honest, all-inclusive National Conversation. This position was firmly stated by our Party Leader, His Excellency Raila Odinga, on July 9, 2024, following the presidential assent to the IEBC Bill at KICC,” Sifuna reiterated.

During the ODM party’s two consecutive Central Committee meetings held on July 2 and July 12, 2024, as well as in H.E. Odinga’s communication on Sunday, July 23, the party reiterated its position and asserted that the National Conversation must be preceded by the following preconditions:

  1. Compensation to the families of the victims of extrajudicial executions and persons injured by the state since last year.
  2. Release of all persons in custody and termination of all cases related to protests since last year.
  3. Prosecution of policemen involved in shooting to kill or maim protestors.
  4. The sacking of the Nairobi Police Commander, Adamson Bungei.

The foregoing position was unanimously adopted by the joint National Executive Committee/ Parliamentary group meeting on Wednesday, July 17, 2024. The accusation therefore that the party has prevaricated or flip-flopped on the matter is false.

“A narrative has been woven that ODM is desperate to join the government when all along we have been clear that what we seek is a national conversation preceded by the creation of the necessary environment through the implementation of the conditions above,” ODM’s secretary general emphasized.

Additionally, Sifuna stated that some ODM members have also fallen for the campaign of lies and misinterpreted their stance as a license to engage the Kenya Kwanza leadership and canvass for ministerial and/or other positions in the Ruto government.

“As a Party, we wish to make it unequivocally clear that we are not in negotiations with the Ruto regime for any coalition or political arrangement,” he emphasized.

“Any ODM member who makes themselves available to join the Kenya Kwanza cabinet or any other position should know that they do so without the blessing or support of the Part,” warned Sifuna.