CDF Ogolla’s Son Inspires KDF to Sustain Efforts Against Al-Shabaab

By Lauryne Akoth

Joel Omondi Rabuku, son to the fallen General Francis Ogolla has inspired the Kenya Defence Forces to sustain efforts against Al-shabaab.

Speaking at his father’s memorial service in Ulinzi Sports Complex Lang’ata, Joel expressed his gratitude to the president for honoring his father’s wishes to merge the military.

He revealed that his father died in the line of duty and encouraged the Kenya Defence Forces not to cower from Al-Shabaab.

“I want to tell the bandits and Al-Shabaab who are celebrating; watu was SF, (special forces) mkipewa mission kulima adui maliza kabisa, na ukifanya scammishing, confirm, ongezea tatu za kichwa, that is how he would have wanted it,” he said.

“Msikubali kuogopa Alshabaab, Kama mdosi wenu hakuwa anaogopa adui, basi mnaogopa nini?” he urged. He encouraged the soldiers not to fear death reminding them that there are greater entities than themselves, such as God and the nation, therefore, they should neither fear nor lose hope.

Furthermore, he noted that the late General wanted to die fighting Kenya’s enemies.

He noted that Ogolla’s ultimate dream was to have a peaceful nation. He urged the soldiers deployed in Baringo not to despair because of his passing.”He is gone but the order still stands,” said Joel, referring to the General’s order to have Baringo free of bandits.

He also revealed that Ogolla was deeply impacted whenever soldiers on duty were injured, grieving for them as he would for his children. He prayed to God for the wisdom to overcome the enemy. He eulogized his father as a humble, God-fearing man who always treated people with respect.

Joel noted that the late General’s casket was a modest coffin valued at Kshs 6,800, emphasizing that it was his preference as he led a very humble life. He additionally revealed that he would be buried in sheets.

” Right now Mzee is wearing the uniform he donned for number one functions but tomorrow we will be wrapping him in sheets. we will extract him from the casket and lay him on the ground so that he can return to dust as quickly as he wanted just following the man he admired the most, Jesus Christ.”