Dignitaries Unite to Pay Tribute to Kiptum

By Lauryne Akoth.

Dignitaries from various spheres came together to pay their respects and bid farewell to the late Kelvin Kiptum.

Cabinet Secretary for Youth Affairs, Sports and the Arts, Ababu Namwamba read a condolence message from the cabinet signed by both the Deputy President and the President of the Republic of Kenya. Namwamba in his speech took time to appreciate all the recommendations made by several dignitaries with regards to sports facilities and infrastructure.

He asserted that several rehabilitation projects along the Rift Valley Belt where most athletes come from were catered for in the infrastructure development program by the Ministry of Sports. he stated that his ministry has set up 42 athletics training centers and Elgeyo Marakwet has three of them.

Namwamba unveiled a series of benefits for athletes, encompassing an enhanced reward system and a dedicated enrollment fund to aid athletes in their retirement, with a generous donation of Kshs 20 million from the ministry.

Additionally,  in collaboration with Athletics Kenya, the ministry has introduced a pension scheme for athletes. Teaming up with Athletics Kenya and housing finance, the ministry is also launching a comprehensive package for athletes to avail themselves of the affordable housing program. Lastly, strategic partnerships with KCB, Cooperative, and National Bank have been forged to provide financial literacy education to athletes.

The Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi briefly paid respect to Kiptum. Making light of the moment, he jokingly commented that Kiptum could have set a world record in the time it took the politicians at his funeral to deliver their speeches.

The Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, and the President eulogised Kiptum  and condoled with his friends and family.

President Ruto in his speech cautioned athletes against doping. ” I have committed that every year we are going to allocate 5 million dollars to make sure that we deal with the problem of doping in Kenya.”

Additionally, he announced the reinstatement of the sports fund that will cater for the sporting facilities. He assured that his government will construct a sporting facility in Chepkorio.

The president’s speech was momentarily interrupted by a lady who was held back by the presidents security team. The president instructed the team to let her occupy a designated seat, but security swiftly rwhisked her away as she attempted to resist. Her intentions remained unclear, and the subsequent events were not disclosed as the president resumed  his speech.

The president also stated with accordance with the reward system Kiptum was given kshs 5M and he promised to give Kiptum’s widow a better house other than the one that was recently constructed.

The president also noted that Chepkorio was part of the affordable housing plan and he promised to construct a 50million market in the area. He concluded his speech by promising Kiptum’s widow Asenath a job and urging the older sportsmen and women to mentor the upcoming talent.