Government of Kenya Formally Submits Raila’s Candidature for AUC Chairperson

By Tajeu Shadrack Nkapapa

Kenya, on 29th July 2024, formally submitted the candidature of Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga for the position of the African Union Commission (AUC) chairperson at the elections to be held during the 38th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Head of States and Government of the Africa Union in Addis Ababa, in February 2025.

The Kenyan delegation led by Principal Secretary for Foreign Affairs Dr. Korir Sing’oei, submitted the relevant documents to the Dean of Eastern Region, Dharmraj Busgeeth and to the Office of the Legal Counsel of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Kenya’s candidacy is being presented at a crucial juncture in history. While significant progress has been made in the African continent, challenges such as economic hardships, environmental shifts, conflicts, terrorism, and general social discord, are exacerbated by geopolitical competition.

In the history of the African Union Commission, they have not had a moment like this where the Union needed a visionary leader.

“Perhaps at no time in the history of the African Union has the continent needed a more visionary leader, an accomplished statesman and a quintessential Pan-Africanist,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

According to the statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Raila’s priorities at the helm of AU will include; African Integration and Infrastructure Development, Economic Transformation, Enhancing Intra-African Trade, Financial Independence, Gender Equity and Equality, Agricultural Transformation, Climate Action, Peace and Security and Youth Empowerment Agenda for Africa.

PS Dr. SingOei said that Kenya is a member in good standing within the AU and consistently meets its obligations to the Union.

“Kenya is an exemplar of African solutions to African problems through its financial support to AU’s initiatives and leading role in peace, security, and conflict management in the continent, including mediation efforts,” read the statement.