Ruto Reschedules Opening of Bunge Towers To Thursday Next Week

By Lauryne Akoth

The speaker of the National Assembly Moses Wetangula has announced the rescheduling of the opening of Bunge Towers to Thursday next week.

Speaking to Citizen TV, the speaker of the National Assembly noted that the president had rescheduled the opening following the demise of General Francis Ogolla.

The late KDF Chief General Francis Ogolla, Photo| Courtesy

The General’s demise was confirmed by the head of state after he met his tragic end via a helicopter air crash, which also claimed the lives of nine other military personnel.

The president was expected to preside over the official opening of the Kshs 9.6 Billion building tomorrow, 19th April at 9:00 a.m.

In a communiqué issued by Moses Wetangula on 17th April, he underscored the importance of the occasion, emphasizing the long-anticipated completion of the Parliamentary complex.

“Appreciating the journey leading to the achievement of this milestone, I wish to inform the House that His Excellency Dr. William Samoei Ruto, CGH, President of the Republic of Kenya & Commander-in-Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces has acceded to our request to grace the Official Opening Ceremony of the Tower on Friday, 19th April 2024,” said Wetangula.

“The opening of this building will mark a monumental step in the history of Parliament, given that Members of Parliament have been renting office spaces outside the Parliamentary Square, at times, making it difficult to attend Plenary Sittings and Committee meetings,” he further added.

Additionally, he mentioned that the gradual transfer of MPs to the premises, initiated last Thursday, has been progressing smoothly, with over 50 legislators already moved to the new complex.

“I am pleased to note that great progress has been made towards relocating Members and as of Tuesday, 16th April 2024, fifty-eight (58) Members had moved into the Bunge Tower,” said Wetangula.

Bunge Towers, Photo | Courtesy

“Members earmarked to move during the first phase of the relocation are encouraged to liaise with the Clerk to ensure seamless completion of this important exercise,” he noted.

Confirming the postponement of the event, Wetangula said, “Tomorrow the president was to open the Bunge Towers at Parliament, and in consultations with the President’s office, we have postponed the event scheduled for tomorrow to Thursday next week so that we can honour the three days of mourning that the president has set.”

This was in reference to the nationwide three-day mourning period in honour of the fallen General declared by President Ruto on Thursday night.

The speaker eulogized the general as a polite soul whose unwavering commitment to duty was unparalleled.