Traders Arrested For Selling Fake Seeds To Farmers

By Akida Kassim and Grace Gilo

Kenya Seeds Company has intensified its crackdown on unscrupulous traders selling fake seeds to farmers ahead of the planting season. According to Kenya Seeds Company chairperson Wangui Ngirichi, she has urged farmers to scratch the code on the seed packets to verify its originality.

In the raid, several fake traders were apprehended from Bomet County and the Mount Kenya region.

Farmers across the country have been counting losses due to the planting of fake seeds which have poor yields this is because of the fake seeds distributed in various places. This comes as the Kenya seed company started an intensified crackdown on unethical traders who have been selling substandard seeds to farmers.

According to the company’s chief executive officer, Sammy Chepsori counties like Bomet, mount Kenya region, central region and Rift Valley have fake seeds in plenty.

“We have come up with punitive legislation to curb the menace and working closely with government agencies to eradicate fake seeds,” he said.

However, farmers have been urged to take advantage of the ongoing rains to plant standard seeds and help in boosting the country’s food basket. The farmers have been cautioned to plant only government-certified seeds and not replant the seeds they harvested especially the maize saying it will lead to poor harvest.

As the government continues to support the agriculture sector to boost production farmers have now been called to ensure they seek guidance from government officers to prevent the planting of fake seeds and the use of uncertified fertilizers.