Uhuru Emphasizes Strong Monitoring Measures Ahead of South Africa’s Elections

By Tajeu Shadrack Nkapapa

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta, leading the African Union Election Observation Mission (AUEOM), engaged in an important pre-election briefing and peer-exchange meeting with leaders of International Electoral Observation Missions (IEOMs) at the Birchwood Hotel in Boksburg, South Africa.

The session took place ahead of the nation’s National and Provincial Elections that is ongoing today on 29th May 2024.

During the session, H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta provided an overview of the AUEOM’s composition and summarized its key observations.

He explained that the mission comprises of 65 election observers from 26 African nations, featuring members from the AU Permanent Representative Council, Pan African Parliament (PAP), Election Management Boards, Civil Society Organizations, Think Tanks, Women and Youth groups, along with various technical teams.

The former Head of State emphasized the mission’s extensive engagement with key stakeholders, including the National Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINS), South Africa’s Chief Justice, the South African Council of Churches, Media Monitoring Africa (MMA), and the Commissioners of the Electoral Commission of South Africa, among others.

He emphasized that these interactions have offered crucial insights into the electoral process and highlighted the collaborative efforts to ensure a transparent and credible election.

Kenyatta noted that the ongoing elections are expected to be the most intensely contested in the past three decades, indicating a highly competitive atmosphere.

Despite the intense competition, he observed that the electoral process has faced significant litigation, which has been addressed promptly and efficiently, ensuring that legal challenges do not obstruct the democratic process.

The session at the Birchwood Hotel fostered a dynamic exchange of ideas and strategies among international electoral observers and reinforced the shared commitment to assisting South Africa in conducting a peaceful and fair election, thereby strengthening the nation’s democratic framework.

He also met with the African Diplomatic Corps and had meetings that emphasized the crucial importance of regional cooperation and solidarity ahead of today’s National and Provincial Elections.

Kenyatta’s discussions with the diplomats focused on ensuring a transparent, fair, and peaceful electoral process, and strengthening the shared commitment to democracy and stability across the continent.