“We Have Laid Firm Foundation For Inclusive Economic Growth,” President Ruto

President William Ruto said the Government has put in place robust measures to take the country back to its former glory days.

He said the country has made undeniable progress, noting that inflation has eased to 6.8 percent.

“We take pride in the strides we have made. We have triumphed over the threat of economic stagnation. We are now secure to our sovereign debts,” he said.

He made the remarks on Sunday at State House, Nakuru, where he delivered the New Year’s message.

The President reported that the Government had cut expenditures by up to KSh400 billion to reduce borrowing. He reassured Kenyans that the Government was committed to delivering its Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda.

He said the subsidized fertilizer program, which sought to support farmers to increase agricultural productivity, had resulted in increased food production by more than 40 percent.

“Working with farmers, we will double our efforts in 2024 until we reduce our KSh500 billion food import bill to zero,” he maintained.

The Head of State said the Government is rolling an economic growth model that is deliberately inclusive and designed to expand economic opportunities.

“This model seeks to create millions of jobs,” he added.

President Ruto said the country has made immense progress in promoting financial inclusion and the dignity of Kenyans at the bottom of the economic pyramid.

“The Hustler Fund and the new NSSF contribution model exemplify our dedication to inclusive economic growth, financial well-being, and social security for all,” he added.

The government, he added, will step up efforts geared towards the realization of universal healthcare.

At the same time, President Ruto asked public servants to execute their mandate diligently.