CS Davis Chirchir Reaffirms Government’s Commitment To LAPSSET Corridor Project

By Tajeu Shadrack Nkapapa

Roads and Transport Cabinet Secretary Davis Chirchir has affirmed government’s commitment to fully implement Lamu Port South -Sudan Ethiopia Transport (LAPSSET) corridor project.

Cabinet Secretary for Roads and Transport Davis Chirchir presided over the 4th LAPSSET regional ministerial meeting in Lamu county bringing together representatives from Kenya, South Sudan and Ethiopia.

According to Kenya Ports Authority Transport ministers from the three partner states, led the discussions during the meeting aiming at progressing a collective and unified approach to the implementation of the project for seamless and coordinated execution.

Citing the Port of Lamu which is the anchor project, the CS noted the milestones achieved by Kenya Ports Authority, notably the completion and operationalization of the first three berths, as well as the acquisition of the three state of the art Ship to Shore Gantry Cranes, Mobile Harbour Cranes and Rubber Tyred Gantry Cranes boosting the port’s capacity for cargo handling.

His counterpart from South Sudan reiterated the significance of LAPSSET for regional and economic integration.

The LAPSSET Corridor Project, which stands for the Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia Transport Corridor, represents one of the most significant infrastructure initiatives in Africa.

Its primary objective is to promote regional integration, facilitate trade, and stimulate economic growth throughout East Africa.

This extensive undertaking encompasses the development of various infrastructure components that link the Lamu Port in Kenya to South Sudan and Ethiopia.

The key components of the LAPSSET Corridor Project are the Lamu Port, Highways, Railway, Oil Pipeline, Lamu International Airport and Resort Cities.

Lamu County Governor Hon. Issa Timamy, KPA Chairman Hon. Benjamin Tayari and Managing Director Captain William Ruto, as well as LCDA Chairman Hon. Ali Mbogo and Director General Stephen Ikua are among the national and county leaders who participated in the meeting.