Amazing Kenyans now #Covfefe a matatu after Trump’s #Covfefe

When you shout ‘Kenyans’, everyone around you may get surprised. The name brings mixed reactions to some people, and mostly tension to global athletes for their known running velocity.

But this is just one of the many talents they. From defending their country and fighting for justice through social media, creativite drops into the talen basket.

Kenyans have taken the word covfefe and branded it on a matatu playing the routes of Nairobi, but now as #Covfefe.

Covfefe had caused skirmish online with people damanding an expalantion on what the POTUS meant, but as the war continued, someone else spotted an opportunity.

Read also Twitter goes covfefe following President Donald Trump’s tweet

Origin of ‘Covfefe’

On the 132nd day, just after midnight, President Trump had, at last, delivered the nation to something approaching unity — in bewilderment, if nothing else.

The president of the United State of America shared a tweet that led to online rapture. and confusion.

“Despite the constant negative press covfefe,” the tweet began, at 12:06 a.m., from @realDonaldTrump.

And that was that. A minute passed. Then another. Then five.

By 1 a.m., the debate had effectively consumed Twitter — or at least a certain segment of insomniac Beltway types, often journalists and political operatives — ascending the list of trending topics.

As it so often does, the trouble began on Twitter, in the early minutes of Wednesday morning. Mr. Trump had something to say.


Opportunity comes once, and that is what a certain proverb advices. With that, Kenyans are now becoming the next ‘Big Minds’ with the way they approach matters of life.

Just days after the internet went ‘Cofveve’, cooled down, the crativity giants have hit back, bring the Kenyan Twitter timeline on another ‘Covfefe’ tweet streak.