Tom Omondi and Eric Otieno are young brothers who are not only making an impact but disruptive impact in the Biogas sector in Kenya.Having started as a jobless and disappointed graduate in Mombasa, Eric Otieno saw the need to start working on something that he was passionate about,the environment.
‘I had always been passionate about the environment and after tarmacking for a while looking for a job I decided to train myself on Biogas.I did not have another option at that time in life other than to pursue what I loved. I used the little amount of money I had to design fliers and would distribute on the outskirts of Nairobi and after a while i managed to get my first client,” says Eric.
Even after managing to get a first client,Eric says building the company that now has clients from all over East Africa has not been easy.
”As a young entrepreneur in Kenya is really hard.We have had times when we could not access funds from Financial institutions and still had to deliver on clients’ orders but somehow we managed through with the help of family and friends.”
Three years later, Tom and Eric have managed to build Nxt group, a reputable brand in the biogas sector in Kenya,Uganda and Somalia.
“Nxt group is now a leading brand in waste water treatment and renewable energy production mainly biogas.We have specialized in on site water treatment for home owners through bio-digester systems which are affordable and environmental friendly.We have also introduced portable Biogas kit for
home and schools.”
With an obvious passion and zeal for a better environmental through an expanding entreprise Tom and Eric urge the young people to not sit back and wait but start where they are with the opportunities they have.
In Eric’s own words,
”There is a difference between knowing a path and taking a path. Whatever it is that you wish to do, go ahead and activate it. Don’t sit back, don’t wait, just do it.”