Jealousy is a huge relationship killer; when jealousy eats deep into your relationship, there can hardly be trust, peace and understanding; competition, quarrels and arguments will be three continuous factors that will exist in your relationship.
If you must live in harmony with your partner, then jealousy should be far from your relationship. These tips could help, if you want to stop being that overly jealous partner.
Keep your relationship away from friends
Sometimes, you just have to let your relationship be between you and your partner. There’s a saying that ‘too many hands spoil the soup’, and this is really true. Letting your friends in, on everything that happens in your relationship would ruin your relationship, and instigate jealousy the more.
Give your partner the benefit of doubt
In as much as trust ought to be earned, disbelieving everything your partner says will only increase your jealousy level. Try to be calm in every situation and give your partner that benefit of doubt. It’s also important to note that you shouldn’t further a relationship with someone you can’t trust; if you believe that your partner isn’t trustworthy, try to make your complains known, and if it doesn’t work, then you shouldn’t be in that relationship.
Stop comparing your relationship to others
Sometimes partners get jealous not because there’s a reason to be jealous, but because they compare their relationship with others. Stop using other people’s relationship to validate yours.
Don’t always jump into conclusions
Never be the partner who’s always quick to conclude. It’s unfair to your partner when you do this, and you hurt your relationship the more.
Reduce the leash
Reduce the hold on your partner; don’t set too many rules, don’t try to judge every act or monitor every move; if you do, you only create room for jealousy to exist in your heart.
Don’t let your imagination play tricks on you
The biggest tip to solving your jealousy issues is to keep your thoughts and imagination in check. If you let your thoughts run helter-skelter, they’d put you in trouble, and create room for jealousy, even when there isn’t any reason to be jealous.
Focus on the positives
Focus on the positive things going on in your relationship; focus on the things working for you in that relationship and not the other way round. When your mind focuses more on the negative things, your relationship will be in trouble.
Find out the real cause of your jealousy
Most times, your jealousy is born out of something; find the underlying cause why you are jealous, and try to solve it together with your partner.
Let go of past issues that prompted your jealousy
Let go of past issues in your previous relationships that made you a jealous partner. Start every relationship with that fresh mind, and not with jealousy. Also, if you have forgiven your partner over something, you need to be willing to let go. Jealousy is dangerous, and if you aren’t careful, it’ll hurt your relationship before you know it.