Almost everyone gets a pimple or two here and there. We blame hormones and hide pimples with concealer. But have you ever thought about
Fashion & Beauty
This is what tomatoes can do to your skin
Tomatoes! They’re sweet, juicy, and delicious. Everyone knows they are good for you, right? Uh, yeah, sure. Does everyone know specifically why tomatoes are
Home remedies to minimize pores on your face
We need our pores. You wouldn’t be able to sweat and eliminate excess oils otherwise. So, if you’re not happy with yours, you can’t
Pretty looks without make ups
Many of us can’t even imagine our life without makeup. To be beautiful without makeup?! Is it possible?! It became our daily ritual to
How to grow back healthy natural hairline
Damaged hairline or hair is a result of various types of abuse of the hair. What is causing this problem and how can we
Home remedies to cure cracked heels
How painful are cracked heels is known to you like no one else! You can’t wear those stylish stilettos nor can you walk properly.
Alarming facts about oily faces
Get down to business by knowing ten facts about oily skin that you may have never known before: Use baking soda as a facial
Effective skin problem solutions
Face Masks are a necessary part of your skincare routine, if you want your skin to look its best.They are easy to use ,
Gorreti Mirera of Kenyatta banks Miss University title
Gorreti Mirera, a beauty from Kenyatta University Student, on Wednesday night. emerged the winner of the Miss University Kenya. The reigning Miss Kenyatta University,
Have you ever wondered why ladies wear make ups?
Makeup isn’t a recent invention. Women and men wore makeup in ancient cultures. While the use of cosmetics has changed over the centuries, in current societies