By Mercy Imali
The government has introduced radical reforms in public service. As of 1st July there will be a freeze on permanent employment for new civil servants said the Public Service Commission.
Under the far-reaching policy that will be unveiled next month, the PSC will phase out the permanent and pensionable terms of employment at entry cadres and instead introduce a three-year contract for all staff joining the service. New employees will be put on the three-year contract with clearly defined performance targets that must be met before contracts are renewed.
PSC chairman Stephen Kirogo said “This will ensure that people are retained in the public service based on their performance. This is a major policy shift in human resource that will reward hard work and sanction poor work…..we have done research and know that people need a job for about two or three years after that they move to other places. Our new policy will address turnover and retain competent skills ”
According to Kirogo, the decision to embrace the far-reaching changes in the public service was informed by thorough studies that have revealed that lazy staff are baggage. A blanket ban on permanent employment of the staff is also part of the government’s long term strategy to cut down on pension budget which has recorded a threefold increase in the last decade.