Digital zebra crossing in Nairobi

By Mercy Imali

City Hall has introduced digital zebra crossing. The installation is aimed at protecting pedestrians from being knocked down by motorists and cyclists.

Nairobi County’s Minister for Roads and infrastructure, Hitan Majevda said this will contribute to bringing order and sanity to the roads.

“This is a pilot project. We already have eight installations and our aim is to have all the major avenues installed with the system, our aim is to have safe spaces for our pedestrians who have been neglected by the city’s transport system,” he said.

“Pedestrians need to also use the designated crossing points be it foot bridges or zebra crossings,” said Majevda.

This project could be a solution to the many pedestrian deaths mostly witnessed in Nairobi.

Just recently the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) raised the alarm over the increased number of pedestrian deaths. Often, pedestrians have little to protect themselves as public service vehicles, cyclists and hawkers have encroached on designated walkways.

How it works

One is required to press a button, wait for the green light then cross. On the other hand, it will be a red light for motorists who will be required to stop until the pedestrian (s) cross. If motorists and cyclists cross when it’s a green light for pedestrians, they risk being arrested and penalized.

City Hall has strategically placed its traffic marshalls to assist pedestrians and also to enforce the law.