Home remedies to minimize pores on your face

We need our pores. You wouldn’t be able to sweat and eliminate excess oils otherwise. So, if you’re not happy with yours, you can’t just make them disappear. Also, people with oily and mixed skin types are more likely to have visible pores. You can, however, make them smaller and less eye-catching. There are natural remedies to minimize and shrink your pores. Don’t try them all at once or you might exhaust your skin further.

Vacuum-clean your skin.

Large pores and excess oil go hand in hand. When sebum gets stuck in your pores, it causes inflammation that physically expands the pore. An easy way to suck out all that oil: a charcoal face wash .Charcoal is known for its ability to bind itself to grime and extract it from your pores. In fact, charcoal can bind 800 times its weight in dirt and oil!

Slough smarter.

In an attempt to keep pores clear, it’s common to over-exfoliate, which can actually cause pore-engorging inflammation the opposite of what you’re going for. Swap gritty scrubs for a much gentler wipe or pad infused with chemical exfoliates like glycolic acid or salicylic acid. Only use it two or three times a week, not daily.

Tighten up.

As you age, your skin loses collagen and elastin the building blocks necessary for tight skin and pores. That causes sagging, which scientists now believe is why pores shift from around to a droopy, teardrop shape. “The old-school thinking was you can’t change the shape back, but you can,” strengthen and firm pore walls, decreasing their diameter and helping restore a circular appearance.

Shield from the sun.

In addition to oil and age, the sun plays a big part in how big your pores become. UV rays tear up the collagen in your skin which we know is responsible for keeping pores tight. A daily SPF can prevent structural skin damage before it happens.

Blur them out.

While you’re waiting for results to kick in from the treatments here, get an instant fix with a pore-minimizing primer, aka blur cream. Optical reflectors mortify skin and visually fill in pores so they look smaller and smoother. Look for an oil-free to avoid re-clogging pores.