Kericho Court Hands Life Sentence to Defilement Convict

By Dorothy Musyoka

Kericho Law Court has sentenced a 22 year old man to life imprisonment for the defilement of a seven year old girl in Sondu Township, Soin-Sigowet Sub-County.

The convict was found guilty after the prosecution led by Counsel Susan Chomba, presented irrefutable evidence evidence proving the case beyond reasonable doubt.

The court heard that on December 19, 2024, around noon, the victim was washing dishes outside their rental house when the accused lured her into his home under the pretense of sending her to the shop.

Once he locked the door threatened her with violence and committed the heinous act.

The prosecution built a strong case with testimony from four witnesses, including the victim and presented crucial forensic evidence.

“The prosecution presented four witnesses, including the victim, alongside key evidence, including the blood-stained clothes the victim was wearing, medical examination reports, and forensic analysis, all confirming the assault,” stated the ODPP.

However the accused fled the scene but was arrested a week later in Katitu after victim positively identified him.

While delivering, Resident Magistrate Hon. Claire Odunga emphasized the severity of the crime and irreversible trauma inflicted on the child.

Additionally the magistrate underscored the necessity of a strong deterrent against such crimes, citing the mandatory life sentence as prescribed by law.