A mother’s joy is cut short as she loses all her quintuplets, barely 48 hrs after she got them.
Jacinta Akinyi gave birth to five children, three boys and two girls on Sunday 12 November 2017 at Matata Hospital in Oyugis Town.
But the surprise joy was cut short when all the quintuplets died Tuesday 14th November.
This is attributed to what medics termed as ‘multiple complications’ that were caused by the fact that the mother had not been attending clinic regularly.
Regular checkups would ensure she know she was going to have multiple births which could have necessitated necessary medical measures to be taken to ensure the mother and children were safe.
30 years old Jacinta Akinyi is a mother of four children aged 12, 11, 10 and 8 years.
She hails from Kachieng’ Bongu Village in Homa Bay County.
Multiple pregnancies usually occur when more than one egg is fertilized and implants in the uterus. Quintuplets occur in one out of 60 million births globally.
May their soul find eternal peace.