Mystery surrounds assault on some county employees MCAs by unknown people at Gusii stadium after a meeting convened by governor Simba Arati.

According to a report by area police, overzealous youths assaulted the victims for allegedly not campaigning for the governor in the August 9 2022 general elections.

The police arrived at the stadium where the governor currently operated from, and rescued the would  be  victims of the attacks.

Responding to the incident, Arati denied involvement in the assault  and claimed  the meeting was meant to engage idle county government  employees.

Arati  further claimed  the lazy employees had been   incited to strip and allege  he was bent on dismissing them from service for political reasons.

He urged politicians to give him chance to serve the electorate saying he had no  problem with  genuine employees who were committed in their duties.

According to him, 200 casuals, 8 cooks and 9 security personnel had been recalled  and re-deployed.

 The governor also  said the workers  claiming to have been assaulted  were bent on framing him because he had resolved to work  with President William Ruto.

But some ward reps condemned the attack and suggested for a leader’s meeting be held  to unearth  and prevent the worrying developments in the county.

Nominated  MCA Ednah Kwamboka a victim, claimed  she and her colleagues were beaten up by  known people but managed to jump into different  vehicles and fled. They later recorded a statement with the police.

Marani MCA Denis Ombachi condemned the attack and expressed the assembly’s  commitment to work with the governor advising the  youths to desist from causing violence since the general elections were over.

Kenya Kwanza chief whip Bouse Mairura petitioned the security apparatus to investigate the motive behind the current attacks on innocent people.

Kevin Mosomi,area  youth leader, warned that  the county risked  losing  investors owing to the  cases of violence.