While you may not be able to “permanently” get rid of body hair, the methods below will be highly effective to help you in your weekly/monthly struggle to keep your body hair under control. Try these remedies to find out which work best!
Sugar and Lemon
This is a simpler remedy, one that will work more like a bleaching than a proper wax. The acidic liquid will help to bleach your facial hair, but the acid also scorches the hair follicles, weakening them and slowing down hair re-growth.
However, the Vitamin C in lemon juice will provide your skin with the nutrients needed to produce collagen and elastin. It’s one of the best ways to get rid of body hair while keeping your skin healthy!
Raw Papaya
Papaya is so much more than just a tropical fruit! It’s packed with vitamins and minerals, as well as a specific enzyme called papain. Papain helps to break down your hair follicles, slowing down your hair re-growth rate. Not only will it deal with the hairs currently sprouting from the follicles, but it can delay the return of your body hair.
The best thing about papaya is that it’s highly nourishing for your skin, and it can be applied even to those with highly sensitive skin. It’s a beautiful exfoliating substance that will get rid of body hair as it provides nutrients to your skin. Talk about a win-win!
Turmeric is a potent root that makes a delicious addition to curries, sauces, and stews, but it’s also loaded with a powerful antioxidant known as curcumin. Curcumin helps to reduce inflammation, fight bacteria, and keep your skin healthy. Best of all, turmeric can seriously reduce hair growth.
You can use turmeric in either raw or powder form, depending on its availability in your city. If local supermarkets don’t carry it, search Oriental food stores to find powdered or raw turmeric.
Egg and Cornstarch
When eggs dry, they harden into a sticky, waxy substance that makes for a perfect mask. It not only nourishes your skin, but it makes it easy to rip out any hair clinging to the mask. By adding cornstarch, you ensure that the mask is thick enough to pull out even the most stubborn hairs.
Lentil and Potatoes
Potatoes contain acid that will bleach your body hair, lightening them and making them less visible. The addition of lentils will make the potato remedy more effective.
The lentils are soaked in a bowl of water overnight. Come morning, run them through a food processor or grinder to turn them into a thick paste. Crush one potato into the mixture, and add a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice each. Mix and apply the paste to your body. After 30 minutes, rinse it off.
Sugar, Lemon & Honey
Have you ever noticed how sugar turns thick and wax-like when heated? It’s why we have delicious caramel and toffee!
Using sugar with honey can be a natural alternative to the costly paraffin wax used by so many spas and hair removal clinics. Adding a bit of a lemon helps to bleach the hair, reducing its visibility. Mixing honey and sugar make a thick wax that, once applied, will nourish your skin even as it sticks to your hairs making it easier to rip them out.