By Ochieng Cynthia
The bill proposed by nominated senator Gloria Orwoba seeks to have the government provide free sanitary towels in all public institutions and correctional facilities.
The bill tabled on 08/05/2024 and underwent its first reading on 03/07/2024 aims at making e a positive impact on menstrual health and hygiene
The area of interest aimed by senator Orwoba includes public schools and county government offices and institutions. The bill clearly proposes that the government create an inter-ministerial committee on the provision of sanitary towels to ensure that the plan is actualized.
And to maintain accountability it proposes for intercounty departmental committee whose legal work is to ensure circulation of the sanitary towels within the counties.
“Monies appropriated by the national assembly, such monies as may accrue to or vest in the committee in the course of the exercise of its powers or the performance of its functions under this act; and all monies from any other source provided for, donated or lent to the committee,” the bill further reads.

And to the trusted officials, in this case cabinet secretary in charge of gender affairs, the bill creates an enabling environment to ensure an equitable and fair regulations for the betterment of the bill once enacted.
And on the same note “to a person who rebrands or resales sanitary towels distributed by the committee or a county interdepartmental committee commits an offence and is liable, on conviction offences,” the bill reads
The bill also outlines that the committee will be required to meet at least once in three months and that county governments will also be required to police this at the devolved level.