Love is a beautiful thing, to some though, this is not so. Falling in love may be by chance but staying in love is a choice. Anyone who falls in love wouldn’t want to mend a broken heart instead achieve ‘happy ever after.’Here are factors to consider before committing in a relationship.
Is it love?
Relationship expert, explains that couples in their first year of marriages score 86% for marital satisfaction. By the 7th year, it’s under 50%. This is for the simple reason that either or both of the individuals are unhappy. Therefore, create a pros and cons list, evaluate it and conclude if you’re ready to put up with the flaws your partner presents.
Are you ready to wake up to that face every morning of your life?
It is almost unavoidable that you will not see your spouse every day, well except in special circumstances, which are few so choose wisely. Before you actually make a commitment, think of it as a long-term investment.
What is your destination?
The two of you should be on the same train, hoping to arrive at the same station. At the start of things, both of you should agree on the ultimate goal of your relationship. Some people just want to have fun, however, the focus would essentially lead you to be in a relationship with the aim of doing life together. Time is of the essence!
Did you find your spouse yourself?
Arranged relationships can be annoying; one of you always feels indebted. There’s a feeling that you owe the one who led you to your ‘love’ and the fact that you need to stay so that the third party is not disappointed.
If both of you lost everything, would you stay?
Especially in this era where there’s existence of ‘sponsors’ and the like, people easily mistake love for the person with love for what the person owns. Life throws lemons at you sometimes, and the situation may change, if it was for the love of material and not the person, this relationship is likely to crumble.