The Teachers Service Commission is in a dilemma over an increasing number of tutors alleging they are unfairly being retired before their time.
The situation has been compounded by the fact that the TSC abides by laws and regulations governing how and when employees should retire and how changes to the set retirement age can be effected should such a need arise.
These laws have made it difficult for teachers to adjust their retirement age at will, especially when they present recently acquired birth certificates or national identity cards as evidence of age.
The commission has insisted on relying only on documents teachers presented at the time of seeking employment to determine their retirement age and wants this position upheld by the Employment and Labour Relations Court (ELRC). It says those are the only reliable documents which were given when the employee was brutally honest.
Several such disputes are pending determination in various courts across the country. Most of the complaints relating to the matter have also been resolved internally by the commission.