Mombasa lady Fears for her life from her Ex husband a British National and former Scotland yard Detective

Mombasa lady Fears for her life from her Ex husband a British National and former Scotland yard Detective following the Mombasa High Court judgment that ruled that both she and her British baby daddy have equal custody of their 6year child.
The lady Hellen Maria Imokor
says since the judgment was pronounced by Mombasa high court judge John Onyiego the British to her son has never obeyed judgment.

The Judge ruled that I as a mother and he as a father have equal custody but since the judgment was pronounced 2 months ago.
I have never seen my son.

I was told my son was hospitalized.
I went to the hospital to check on him but the father had instructed the security hospital not to let me in.

I Am worried I don’t know if my son is dead or alive”

According to the lady, she fears the worst alleging that before she married the British.
The British had married a Kenyan lady who died mysteriously under unclear circumstances.

According to the lady, the British to silence family opened a supermarket to the parent of the lady and also offered money and married the deceased sister.