NEMA to crack whip on plastic bags dealers in Garissa

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) in Garissa has warned business operators dealing with banned plastic bags that tough actions will be taken against them as per the law.

Speaking after leading a section of government departments in Garissa to plant 100 trees at the Young Muslim Academy in Garissa, NEMA county director Isaac Mitei further said that those who are interfering storm water drainage will also face the rule of law.

“I want to ask the people of Garissa to work with us so that we can tackle the effects of climate change. We will work with all government agencies with the leadership of the county commissioner to ensure that all environment laws are adhered to,” Mitei said.

“Everyone has a right to live in a good and clean environment and that it is our collective responsibility to make sure that we take care of the environment right from our homes, and at our workplaces or business premises,” he added.

The Kenya Forest Service (KFS) Garissa county commander Naseeb Mwamusi also warned the area residents against charcoal burning business noting that culprits will be arrested and charged in a court of law.

“I have a team of officers who are doing weekly patrols to monitor and arrest those who are burning charcoal. We are also doing community sensitization against charcoal burning so that we conserve our forests,” Mwamusi said.

NEMA partnered with Huduma Kenya, and a section of other government departments in Garissa County to plant the trees as they celebrate 20 years of existence.

Mwamusi said that planting trees in the region is more challenging because of the drought and livestock who tend to eat the trees and thus it requires more care than in other areas but encouraged the residents to plant more trees in order to reach the 10 percent tree cover by 2030 as directed by the president.